5 Best Keywords Research Tools For Your Website

SEO marketing is a proven technique for generating targeted traffic to a website.
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July 5, 2018
SEO marketing is a proven technique for generating targeted traffic to a website. The more relevant the traffic is to a websites niche, the higher the chance of converting a portion of that traffic into sales. A big part of an SEO campaign is the keywords that are used to find a website in a search engine. Trying to figure out exactly what your target audience is typing into search engines is in no way a simple task. There is, however, a wide variety of keyword tools available that can help a website properly research for the most valuable keywords to be used in their SEO campaigns. Here are 5 of the best keyword research tools.
5 Best Keyword Research Tools For Your Website In Infographic

Google Keyword Planner

The excellent Google Keyword Planner is among the most used free keyword research tools available. It is a product of the Google AdWords program which provides data based on keyword searches in Google. You will require a free Google account in order to access both AdWords and the Keyword Planner.

The Google Keyword Planner allows you to discover new keywords by searching words or even phrases. It will recommend keywords that best suit your business and its products. You can compare the list of keyword results with each other. Each result has a column for monthly searches as well as competition and bid price. This is perfect if you wish to choose a keyword phrase that has a decent amount of searches and is low in competition.

Google Keyword Planner With Graph

Source: Googleadword

The Google Keyword Planner is useful if you wish to plan just for the Google search engine. This platform does not offer data from other search engines. The available features are also kept to a strict minimum with little to no advanced features. It is, however, still an excellent free tool for intermediate users and websites that are just starting out.

As Google is the largest search engine in the world, using a keyword planner designed and prescribed by them is more than useful. Google also offers more keyword tools in the form of Google Correlate and Google Webmaster Search Analytics. Correlate displays keyword search trends, while search analytics offers useful data on current search terms used by the visitors to your website.


Spyfu Screenshot

Source: Spyfu

SpyFu is an outstanding piece of paid SEO software that allows you to monitor the competition while discovering new areas for future potential campaigns. This SEO tool can deliver a competitors SEO history just by entering their websites address. Some of the data available upon search are:-

  • Organic vs Paid inbound clicks
  • Organic search
  • Paid search
  • Competitor websites
  • Shared keywords
  • Top keywords

SpyFu is great for researching your competitor's keywords. This will give you a better understanding of their SEO strategy. It is also possible to discover new keywords that your competitors are successfully utilizing. This way you can incorporate those keywords into your future SEO campaigns. This feature makes SpyFu an excellent SEO tool to use for discovering markets in your niche that are not yet targeted by you.

SpyFu has its limitations as it does not offer an in-depth of a keyword database than its competitors do. The data that SpyFu does supply is only updated on a monthly basis. This puts the software at a disadvantage over software that has real time results. Basic and Pro plans are available through a monthly subscription.

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Ahrefs Keyword Analysis Screenshot

Source: Ahrefs

Another popular all in one keyword tool is Ahrefs Keywords Explorer. Keyword searches usually deliver intricate results such as keyword difficulty and a "click" metric. The clicks metric is a remarkable tool which isn’t available in most keyword planners. Ahrefs SEO software is a paid software that is available through a monthly subscription.

Some keywords may have high volumes of traffic, but this does not mean that your website will see a huge number of clicks. A reason for this is that Google may show the answer to the question you searched for directly in their search results page. So you could just view the information there and move on without needing to click on a link to access a website. Ahrefs clicks metric takes this scenario into consideration when planning keywords.

Another strength of the Ahrefs SEO software is its clean user interface. The design of the software’s dashboard is very professional and offers large amounts of data. Ahrefs Keyword Explorer is also known for being able to scrape up insane amounts of keyword ideas just from inputting a single word or phrase. Even more than most competitors and the Google Keyword Planner. Some interesting features from Ahrefs Keyword Planner:-

  • Clicks metric and Advanced metrics
  • SERP overview and Positions History
  • Keyword lists (you can make a list of your favourite keywords within the software)
  • Support for over 100 countries


Semrush Keyword Research Screenshot

Source: Semrush

SEMrush is another great SEO tool that can perform effective keyword research. It is another favourite among its users because of the kind of results it delivers. With SEMrush you will be able to:-

  • Check backlinks
  • Track keyword ranking
  • Check competitor ranks
  • Perform SEO Audits on your website

With SEMrush, you can add keywords to a keyword research that you have performed and then track their positions on all search engines based on geographical location. This is perfect for websites that compete with a global audience. This way you can see how your website ranks in search engines related to specific countries. The same can go for researching your competitor's website. This way you can gain useful knowledge on how keywords from a competitors website perform in certain countries.

You can use the SEMrush SEO tool to locate keywords that your competitors are successfully using to move traffic to their websites. This is useful when trying to locate high-quality keywords within your websites niche. You can then plan your next SEO campaign around these newly discovered keywords, the same keywords that generate considerable amounts of traffic.


Kwfinder Keyword Research Screenshot

Source: Kwfinder

KWFinder is an amazing SEO tool that is mostly dedicated to keyword research. This company has only been around for a short time now, but it is one of the fastest growing SEO software. Just like SEMrush and other software, KWFinder will assist you in obtaining keywords that will be able to generate high volumes of targeted traffic.

A great feature is question-based keyword research.  This option can allow you to find long tail keywords related to problem-solving. This is great if you plan to create content around topics related to improving people's lives. Such content is considered valuable to readers as it assists them in solving issues that they may currently be experiencing. This can, in turn, lead to more targeted traffic for the website.

There are free and paid versions of the KWFinder available. The free offers basic info on keyword research and is perfect for beginners.

Planning an effective SEO campaign means putting in plenty of effort towards keyword research. Choosing the wrong keywords can cost a website months of lost time which could have been spent using better keywords. It's difficult to distinguish which keyword is perfect for your website as some keywords have higher competition than others. Keyword research tools do a great job in delivering this kind of info to you.

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