How Do Colors Influence Shopper Buying Decisions?

Few of us got lucky and sneaked through, the money got deducted from their bank accounts and they waited patiently with baited breaths for the FedEx guy to knock on their doors
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April 14, 2018

This infographic from KISSmetrics talks about the relevance of color, and aesthetic appeal in influencing purchase decisions. Be it the traditional brick and mortar store or the modern online store, color and design is a key factor.

colours and shopping behaviour

It can also be seen that 42% of the shoppers base their decisions on the design of the store alone. It also points at key factors which retailers can look at, to increase their conversions, be it online or in a brick and mortar store. Design, and color when intelligently used along with buzz words, may work wonders for conversions. Online retailers may want to re-think what they call their call to action, simple and good ringing words, along with a enabling color, which goes well with the overall design, will ensure more converts, or purchases.

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